- [Sell]:
?oconut Palm Distribution:?hroughout the tropics worldwide Tree Size:?5-100 ft (20-30 m) tall, 1-1.3 ft (.3-.4 m) trunk diameter ...
From: Mozambique (1/2/2017)
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Brachystegia spicoformis
MESSASSA Wood characteristics: Grain interlocked and texture medium to course. Durability: Non-durable, very susceptible to fungal stai...
From: Mozambique (1/2/2017)
- [Sell]:
breonadia microcephala
AFRICAN MOHOGANI Matumi (English) Rhodesian redwood (English) Locally common in suitable habitats Medium to large evergr...
From: Mozambique (1/2/2017)
- [Sell]:
Albizia versicolor
Distribution:?ropical Africa Tree Size:?00-130 ft (30-40 m) tall, 2-3 ft (.6-1 m) trunk diameter Average Dried Weight:?8 lbs/ft3?605 kg...
From: Mozambique (1/2/2017)