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Product Name: Tropical Hardwoods on Logs
Model No: 24012020
Unit Price: depends on the specie of wood and the sizes to be chosen
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- Characteristics of the product: Logs freshly cut. The Logs have Heartwood and the sapwood and bark. The Bark and Sapwood remain on logs to avoid cracks on Surface. Each log is sealed by wax at both ends to prevent cracks on the tops during transit time from port of loading to port of destination.
- Our wood species: These goods are made from:
. Aromatic Balsamo / Balsamo with smell / Balsam of Tolu (Myroxylon spp.): This specie has a smell (good and pleasant smell). Heartwood is red brown, becoming to the deep red upon on exposure; fairly uniform to stripped.
. Brazilian Hickory / Guayabi (Patagonula spp.): Heartwood is light brown, with faint darker streaks. It's suggested as a substitute for black walnut is dark brown to almost black on exposure, often with darker streaks. It is very similar to American Black Walnut concerning to the color and the design of the veins.
. Guayacan / Brazilian Ebony (Caesalpinia spp.): Heartwood is dark brown to almost black on exposure, often with darker streaks. It is very similar to American Black Walnut concerning to the color and the design of the veins.
. Fustic / Mora Amarilla (Chlorophora spp.): Heartwood has yellow color when freshly sawn, turning on few days on golden brown to dark brown, on exposure. * Particularity: Also contains the dye, maclurin, long used as a yellowish-brown or khaki dye.
. Kurupay / Curupay / Patagonian Rosewood (Anadenanthera macrocarpa syn. Piptadenia macrocarpa): Heartwood is initially pale brown, but it darkens upon exposure to reddish brown with darker colored, almost black streaks which give the wood a very attractive appearance. The reddish-brown wood bears a superficial resemblance to old Mahogany (Swietenia).
. Lapacho / Brazilian Walnut (Tabebuia spp.): Heartwood is olive brown to blackish, often with lighter or darker striping, darkening to grayish-green or brownish-olive on exposure.
. Lignum vitae / Palo Santo (Bulnesia spp.): This specie has a smell Good and pleasant smell). Heartwood is greenish and It is often beautifully figured with blackish green fine veins.
. Mesquite / Algarrobo / South American Itin (Prosopis spp.): Heartwood tends to be a medium to chocolate brown, often marked with darker strips. Color tends to darken with age. Somewhat reminiscent of Black Walnut.
. Tigerwood Urunday (Astronium spp.): Heartwood is red brown turning to dark brown, often with darker veins.
. Tamboril / Timbo (Enterolobium spp.): Heartwood is commonly rose beige to pale or dark maroon is red brown turning to dark brown, often with darker veins.
. Yvyraro / Brazilian Oak (Pterogyne spp.): Color is Light pinkish brown or flesh-colored when fresh, deepening upon exposure and suggesting Mahogany (Switenia spp); often with darker striping.
- Quality: A-grade and better.
- Sizes on cargos type N0. 01:
. Diameters = from 180mm up to 249mm & from 250mm up to 450mm and up.
. Lengths = from 1,500mm up to 2,100mm and longer.
- Sizes on cargos type N0. 02:
. Diameters = from 250mm up to 450mm and up.
. Lengths = from 1,500mm up to 2,100mm and longer.
- Capacity of loading = about 26 Tons in each 40?NTR.
If you have a question, please, don? hesitate to contact to us on: supplylumber at, and so, we will send to you other Details and Photos relating to this product made by our Company.
*Please, note that we are also able to supply on these beautiful wood species on Debarked Logs; on Peeled Logs and on Blocks.

Henry Chavez
Tel. N0.: (55) 41 32626261
Capacity Supply: 130 Tons per month
Business Type: Manufacturer & Exporting
Target Market: Worldwide
Delivery Lead Time: Within 30 days of purchase order confirmation.
Valid Time: Six month
Minimum Orders: 26 Tons in One 40'CNTR


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