The latest statistics from the Swedish Forest Agency show that
the area notified or applied for felling in February increased
25 percent, compared to February 2024. The area regarding
applications for permits for felling in montane forests
increased 23 percent, compared to the same month last year.
Experience has shown that statistics regarding notifications and
applications can vary from month to month due to the forestry
planning of various stakeholders. It is therefore important to
be careful when analyzing the monthly data and to not draw
conclusions about the planned felling.
The area of received notifications and applications for permits
for felling was 20,856 hectares in February, which was an
increase of 25 percent, compared to February 2024. Of this area,
applications for permits for felling of montane forests
represented 514 hectares, compared with 417 hectares in the same
month last year.
Compared to the average area of notifications and applications
for the country in February over the previous five years, this
is an increase of 12 percent. Compared to the average area for
the previous ten years, this is an increase of 21 percent.
A 27 percent increase in the area covered by notifications and
applications so far this year
For January to February, the area of notifications and
applications for permits for felling was 40,123 hectares, which
is an increase of 27 percent compared to the same period last
year. So far this year, the area concerning applications for
permits for felling of montane forests is 1,039 hectares, for
the corresponding period last year the area was 779 hectares.
Compared to the average area of notifications and applications
for the country for the corresponding period for the previous
five years, this is an increase of 12 percent. Compared to the
previous ten years, this is an increase of 13 percent.
An increase or decrease in notifications and applications for
permits for felling does not necessarily mean that the area of
actual felling has increased or decreased to the same extent.
Statistics refer to total notifications for felling and
applications for permission on productive forest land for
felling in montane forest and valuable broad-leaved forest.
Source: Swedish Forest Agency