Timber market report of the LK Austria
Reliable production until the end of April
The past few weeks have been characterised by intensive timber
harvesting activities. Nevertheless, the demand for coniferous
round timber is still there. Regardless of this, planned
utilisation must be well coordinated in advance with regard to
quantity and time of acceptance. On the hardwood market, the
season is noticeably coming to an end. Less sought-after
assortments can hardly be sold anymore.
The price range for the leading assortment of round sawn timber
spruce grade B, Media 2b+ currently ranges from 106 to 109 euros
per cubic metre (net, free road). The prices have also been
extended beyond the first quarter until the end of April. Prices
on the industrial timber market are constant and are
predominantly between 76 and 80 euros per atro tonne for both
hardwood and softwood fibre. Industrial timber sales are
As temperatures rise, the bark beetle will become active again
in the coming weeks and it is important to keep an eye on the
spruce stands. In particular, trees on the edge of beetle nests
from the previous year often serve as wintering quarters for
bark beetles and may need to be felled and removed from the
forest before the swarming flight.
Source: lko.at