Prices for roundwood rise
Prices for roundwood rise in February. This applies to spruce
but also to pine. Sales of construction timber continue to be
difficult - and will remain so. However, other factors are also
driving up (round) timber prices.
Due to the lower beetle infestation in many regions, demand
is often higher than the current timber supply. Prices for
spruce sawlogs in particular continued to rise in February,
according to forest owner associations following the conclusion
of new contracts.
For spruce, prices of 105 to 115 euros per cubic metre (plus
VAT) are quoted on average for fixed length and long timber for
quality B/C in strength class 2b+. Individual buyers pay an
additional bonus for required length mouldings.

For beetle wood, 15 euros less is usually paid and the discount
for D-wood is 25 euros per cubic metre. This means that prices
have risen by 5 to 10 euros this year. Pine sawlogs are also
benefiting from the robust demand and prices are also rising.
The reason for this is the continuing low availability of
high-quality round timber.
Forest owners' associations explain the price increase with the
very low quantities of damaged timber compared to previous
years. Added to this is apparently the recent resurgence in
exports to the USA - which is boosting demand and driving up
prices, according to timber traders and sawmills.
Exports play an important role in the development of timber
prices in Germany. The introduction of additional 25 per cent
tariffs on Canadian softwood lumber could further improve sales
opportunities for German exporters. However, a European trade
war with the USA could quickly block this sales channel again.
Industrial wood and energy wood are not (yet) benefiting
The current good export opportunities can at least partially
offset the weak sales of sawn timber on the domestic market.
Nevertheless, the poor state of the construction industry in
Germany has so far prevented a recovery in sawn timber prices.

Pine sawlogs are also benefiting from robust demand and
prices are also rising. This is due to the persistently low
availability of high-quality round timber.
The sawmill industry therefore continues to have problems
selling sawn timber in large quantities on the domestic market.
As the outlook for the construction industry in Germany is not
expected to improve according to current forecasts and the
economic outlook for 2025 is very weak overall, no significant
recovery in demand for construction timber and therefore sawn
timber prices is expected. Unless supply is further reduced by
strong exports and a low volume of damaged timber.
The paper, pulp and panel industry continues to be well stocked
with softwood industrial timber and production volumes have also
been reduced recently. Industrial timber prices were therefore
lowered at the beginning of the year. However, the already
reduced prices have largely been able to maintain their current
level. Forest owners' associations are also expecting continuous
sales in the coming months, which should at least support
The market situation is similar for energy wood, where prices
fell in autumn last year but are now largely holding their own.
The sales situation for wood chips is apparently difficult in
some regions.