Breakthrough in the struggle for the future of the insolvent
Ziegler Group from Plößberg in the Upper Palatinate. Essential
parts of the wood processing sector were sold to Rettenmeier
Holding. Hundreds of employees can now breathe a sigh of relief.
Six business operations of the Ziegler Group are going to the
Franconian wood company "Rettenmeier Holding AG" from
Wilburgstetten. As the insolvency administrator of Ziegler,
Volker Böhm from the law firm Schultze & Braun announced on
Friday, all locations and thus around 650 jobs are to be
preserved. In total, 770 jobs have thus far been saved.
According to Volker Böhm, the executives of Rettenmeier Holding
from Wilburgstetten signed the purchase agreement on Thursday
evening; they are taking over the business operations of
"Ziegler Holzindustrie GmbH & Co. KG," "Ziegler Naturenergie
GmbH," "Ziegler Forstservice GmbH," and "Holzzentrum Ziegler
GmbH." In addition, the non-insolvent Ziegler companies "Prechtl
GmbH Anlagen- und Maschinenbau" and "Ruhland Druckluft &
Systemtechnik GmbH" will also go to Rettenmeier.
"Rettenmeier wants to keep all locations and will take over the
majority of the employed workers," says Volker Böhm. In detail:
At "Ziegler Holzindustrie GmbH & Co. KG," this means 516 out of
originally 665 employees, at "Ziegler Naturenergie GmbH," all 54
employees, at "Ziegler Forstservice GmbH," all 18 employees, and
at "Holzzentrum Ziegler GmbH," 46 out of 97 employees, taking
into account the major fire at Holzzentrum Ziegler at the end of
November 2024.
In the case of the non-insolvent companies "Prechtl GmbH
Anlagen- und Maschinenbau" (10 employees) and "Ruhland Druckluft
& Systemtechnik GmbH" (3 employees), Rettenmeier is taking over
all employees.
The deal is thus in dry hands, as the creditors have already
approved the takeover by Rettenmeier. "The purchase agreement
has yet to be approved by the antitrust authorities, and it has
been agreed not to disclose the purchase price," Böhm said. "The
Rettenmeier Group is one of the leading German suppliers in the
wood processing industry," Böhm emphasized. "Rettenmeier
therefore has the necessary know-how to lead the acquired
companies back into the success zone. At Rettenmeier, the
Ziegler wood processing companies are in very good hands."