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Germany Wood Prices 2025: Timber Market at a Crossroads
[Jan 30, 2025]

Prices for spruce sawn timber have risen 2025 again a little. Overall, the market situation remains very tense.

However, sawn timber remains a slow seller. There are problems with industrial wood and energy wood. The wood export to the USA is going very well. The short-term outlook for the construction industry and thus for the demand for construction timber remains weak. A noticeable increase in lumber prices is therefore not expected for the time being.

Roundwood prices are rising - market situation remains tense

On the other hand, the prices for round timber had already risen significantly in October/November. At the beginning of 2025, the prices for spruce sawlogs were regionally increased slightly compared to the fourth quarter of 2024. The demand for pine sawlogs is also apparently significantly better than in previous years, and buyers are increasingly purchasing pine logs. Nevertheless, the market situation remains tense.

The sawmill industry continues to have problems selling sawn timber in large quantities on the domestic market. Since the outlook for the construction economy in Germany is not improving and the economic outlook for 2025 is overall very weak, a significant revival in the demand for construction timber is also not to be expected.

On the other hand, exports, especially to the USA as the main buyer of sawn timber, are apparently going quite well, report timber owner associations. Suppliers are currently achieving very good prices in the US market. Additionally: The USA has imposed a 25 percent tariff on Canadian softwood lumber, which will come into effect on February 1.

Some analysts believe that Trump's decrees to stimulate US housing construction, including efforts to reduce construction costs, could dampen the demand for imported lumber by promoting domestic sourcing.

Since Canada is the largest supplier of lumber to the U.S., the tariffs are expected to have significant impacts on the supply and demand dynamics, leading builders to likely seek alternatives as lumber prices rise. Possibly from Europe.

Industrial and energy wood rather weak

Despite the weak economic outlook and sluggish sawn timber sales, most forest owner associations believe that the strong demand for softwood sawlogs will continue into the first quarter of 2025. Prices have even been able to increase slightly regionally once again.
* For spruce, fixed-length prices for quality B/C in strength class 2b+ are mentioned between 95 and 110 euros per cubic meter plus VAT.

* Beetle wood is 20 euros cheaper.

* Following the trend of spruce, prices for pine have also risen regionally.

In the broadleaf sawlog market, oak and ash are the most in demand. The industrial roundwood market is predominantly balanced. The locations of the paper, pulp, and board industries are receptive. The prices are mostly still stable, but they are coming under pressure regionally, report forest owners.

Energy wood is sometimes relatively difficult to market. The large supply of industrial wood has led to a shift to the energy sector, where prices are coming under pressure. In the energy wood market, however, the buyers are usually very well stocked.

The fact that there hasn't been a very cold winter so far also dampens demand. Accordingly, the sale of additional quantities is correspondingly difficult. The demand for high-quality firewood is declining, and the supply often exceeds the demand.
: landundforst.de
