According to the latest report from Natural Resources Institute
Finland (Luke), wood prices remained at a stable high level in
December, after the summer. Compared to November, the price
changes were small, with softwood logs and pulpwood up and birch
mostly down.
Trade was brisk until the end of the year. December trade
volumes were 8% above the average for the previous five years
and preliminary data for the year as a whole show that the
volume of timber trade was one fifth higher than in previous
years. The final 2024 annual statistics will be published at the
end of February.
Timber prices
In standing sales in December, softwood log prices continued
their upward trend, rising by 1% from November. The average
price of spruce logs approached EUR 83 and pine logs exceeded
EUR 80 per cubic metre. The price of birch logs fell by 1% to
just under EUR 66.
Standing sales prices for pulpwood rose by one to two percent.
The average price paid for spruce pulpwood in December was EUR
34, for birch almost EUR 33 and for pine around EUR 32.
Standing sales prices have remained high since June. Real
monthly prices for logs and spruce pulpwood were last at this
level in 2007-2008. For pine and birch pulpwood, no higher
prices can be found in the monthly statistics started in 1995.
The average price of pine pulpwood for the whole year was last
at this level in 1990 and for birch pulpwood in the early 1980s.
In delivery sales of pulpwood, the average price of spruce rose
by 1% from November to EUR 54. Pine and birch prices remained at
almost EUR 53 per cubic metre.
At the end of the year, real pulpwood delivery prices were
higher than ever before in the monthly statistics. Annual prices
were at this level in the early 1990s.
Trade volumes
The volume of roundwood trade continued to be brisk in December.
The volume was 48% higher than a year ago and 8% higher than the
average for the previous five years.
Based on preliminary data, the cumulative volume of timber trade
in January-December was 18% higher than a year earlier. The
corresponding figures for the previous five years were 20%
higher, with log trade up 22% and pulpwood trade up 13%.
Background information on the statistics
Unit prices in roundwood trade are recorded in the statistical
database at the fair prices valid each time. However, price
changes are examined in the texts and graphs in real terms by
eliminating the change in value using the cost-of-living index.
In December 2024, the annual increase in consumer prices was
around one per cent.
The recorded prices are based on prices entered in wood trade
agreements between the buyers and sellers. Any other increments
and services related to wood trade are not included in the
Wood trade data for statistics are provided by the largest
buyers of wood and forest management associations. As the
information is not rounded up to correspond to the total
non-industrial private wood trade in Finland, the published wood
volumes only represent about 90 per cent of the wood purchased
by forest industries from non-industrial private forests.
Source: Luke