Rider Levett Bucknall (RLB) has unveiled its latest Quarterly
Cost Report on the North American construction industry in 14
key markets with an optimistic view for the sector.
With current data from mid-Q4 2024, the latest RLB report
shows the national average increase in construction costs for
the U.S. was 1.11 per cent, explains a release.
This is similar to the previous two quarters, with Boston,
Chicago, Honolulu, Las Vegas, Phoenix, Seattle and Washington DC
experiencing increases over the national average this quarter.
Denver, Los Angeles, New York, Portland and San Francisco
experienced gains that were less than the national average.
Compared to 2023, the cost of many building materials increased
at a much slower rate in Q4 2024.
The report shows structural block increased 5.2 per cent; gypsum
building materials 4.8 per cent; cement 4.7 per cent; lumber 4.6
per cent; and ready-mix concrete 3.7 per cent. Copper was among
the highest price growth at 14.4 per cent but prices for steel
products decreased by 6.9 per cent.
¡°According to the Associated Builders and Contractors, higher
energy prices have contributed to rising construction materials
costs,¡± the report notes. ¡°While some materials, like concrete
and copper, have increased in price, overall prices are lower
than a year ago and have dropped five per cent since reaching an
all-time high in June 2022. As we approach 2025, uncertainty
about the next administration¡¯s trade policy could impact
materials costs, with potential tariffs possibly leading to
short-term price increases if buyers rush to import before new
policies are enacted.¡±
The construction unemployment rate is 3.7 per cent, down .1 per
cent in the same time period last year.