Lower Austrian timber industry at a competitive disadvantage:
¡®The rising log prices in the Waldviertel are no longer
Representatives of the Lower Austrian sawmill industry are
sounding the alarm: the price of round timber is rising, albeit
from a very high level in the Waldviertel. And this is
jeopardising competitiveness on the international market, fear
representatives of the Lower Austrian timber industry. With
prices currently up to 15 per cent higher than the national
average, these are not only the highest prices in Austria, but
in the whole of Europe.
'This distortion of competition is due to climate change and the
bark beetle in recent years. Forest and forestry companies have
had to bring forward utilisation and now there is a shortage.
There is less raw material available, so more is being demanded
for it,¡¯ says Franz Kirnbauer, Chairman of the Lower Austrian
Timber Industry Group in the Lower Austrian Chamber of Commerce.
Companies lose competitiveness on the international market
A higher regional gap in the log price means higher procurement
costs for companies and a loss of competitiveness. This is
because the sales revenue on the international market is the
same. ¡®At the moment, we have an enormous discrepancy between
the round timber prices paid and still being demanded and the
achievable sawn timber prices. Our companies are losing their
competitiveness on the international market. We can no longer
cope with this,¡¯ says Kirnbauer, who fears further increases in
the new year.
The current already tense situation in the Lower Austrian timber
industry, caused by the extremely excessive bureaucracy, falling
construction figures, irrational energy costs and the wage
increases of the last two years, among other things, is being
fuelled even further by the high log prices. For several
Waldviertel sawmills, this price difference is leading straight
to operating losses. ¡®We are competing with companies that buy
much cheaper logs. This is a considerable competitive
disadvantage, as we have the highest log prices in Europe. If we
face further increases, we will no longer be able to produce,¡¯
say two Waldviertel entrepreneurs from the sawmill industry.
The fact is that although the forestry industry harvests round
timber sustainably and places it on the market, round timber
prices are at an above-average level.¡®We can't realise that on
the market.There is a European round timber price, which is much
higher in the Waldviertel than anywhere else.There is an urgent
need to equalise the Austrian average.The Waldviertel is no
longer a sustainable location for a sawmill,¡¯ emphasises Franz
Kirnbauer, chairman of the specialist group.
About the Lower Austrian timber industry
The forestry and timber industry is one of the most important
economic factors in Lower Austria and the second strongest
economic sector after tourism. Around 270 companies currently
employ more than 5,350 people in the timber industry. A large
proportion of these are based in the Waldviertel. The
construction industry is the largest consumer of wood products.