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Austria: Outlook for the timber market in August 2024
[Jul 26, 2024]


Lower Austria: Outlook for the timber market in August 2024 .
The Austrian sawmill industry has sufficient stocks of round sawn timber

Timber harvesting activities are focussed on the processing of damaged timber, with wood that has been made available being transported away quickly. Prices are largely stable across a wide range and are between EUR 81 - 105 per FMO for the leading spruce A/C 2b+ assortment throughout Austria. The demand for larch exceeds the supply. The paper, pulp and board industry sites are well stocked. Across Austria, prices for spruce/fir fibrewood are between EUR 63 - 98/t atro. Demand for copper beech fibrewood is unchanged. The energy wood market is tense. It is hardly possible to market additional quantities outside of long-term contracts.

Source:  lko.at
