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Consumers looking for home d¨Ścor, furniture turn to small businesses
[Jun 24, 2024]

Small business is actually big business for home d¨Ścor and furniture sellers, according to a recent Adobe Express study.

Analysis of Google Trends data from 2023 and a separate survey of 1,003 U.S. residents about their shopping habits showed that 78% of Americans shop at least once a month at small businesses, with Millennials leading the way at 80%.

Among the Top 10 most commonly purchases goods and services from small retailers, 22% bought home d¨Ścor, placing it eighth on the list, which was topped by groceries (65%), baked goods (53%) and beverages (41%).

Looking at purchases by gender, home d¨Ścor ranked second among women, sandwiched between jewelry and personalized gifts.

The study found that consumers spent about $128 a month at small businesses. Millennials once again beat the average by spending an average of $135, but Baby Boomers also were above-average supporters, making $130 in purchases monthly.

On an amount-spent basis, furniture was the category where consumers spent the most, topping groceries for the No. 1 spot, while home d¨Ścor was eighth on the list of the Top 10.

The survey showed 64% of respondents sought out local businesses, and 53% went to small ones. The main factors for doing so included boosting the local economy (64%), seeking unique products (47%), higher quality goods (43%) and sense of community connection (40%).

Even though half (51%) of those polled who regularly shop local said they preferred to do so at brick-and-mortar stores, about one-third (31%) said they wouldnĄŻt shop a small business if it didnĄŻt have a website. Gen Z was the most likely to feel this way, with about 40% shunning non-online stores.

Small business discovery came through myriad channels such as friends, online reviews, family and community events. But social media also plays a big role, with respondents citing Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok and YouTube.

