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Austria Timber market report May 2024
[May 20, 2024]


According to the latest report from Austrian Chamber of Agriculture, the manufacturing and construction industries remain in recession. Investments are in sharp decline. According to company estimates, there is no sign of an easing in the coming months,

Round sawn timber
The Austrian sawmill industry is currently very well stocked with round sawn timber. High stock levels coupled with weak sales markets mean that demand is correspondingly low. This is mostly defined by the quantities of sawn timber sold. With the exception of Upper Austria and Styria, the round timber provided is usually removed quickly. In Upper Austria, the high volume of round timber is the main reason for the build-up of forest warehouses, while in Styria it is also the lack of freight capacity that leads to delays in transport. Prices are stagnating or coming under increasing regional pressure. The leading assortment of spruce A/C 2b+ is between € 93 and € 105 per FMO throughout Austria. Demand for larch remains very brisk and exceeds supply.

Industrial wood
The paper, pulp and board industry sites are also very well stocked with industrial roundwood. Sales of sanding wood are challenging due to the fact that there is now only one buyer and are only possible within the framework of existing contracts. The supply and demand for fibre and panel wood is balanced. The takeover is continuous. With the exception of Upper Austria, prices are stable. With the exception of Upper Austria, demand for copper beech fibre is also stable.

Energy wood
The energy wood market is quiet for the time of year. Regionally, however, it is tense as low demand meets high supply.

The cooler weather in the second half of April has only slowed down the development of the bark beetle. Forest hygiene is therefore still the order of the day. All available resources should be shifted to this area in order to process and remove breeding material from the forest as quickly as possible.

All prices quoted relate to transactions in the period April - early May 2024 and are net prices to which VAT must be added. The following tax rates apply to timber sales to entrepreneurs: 13 % for all product ranges in the case of flat-rate VAT, 13 % for energy wood/firewood and 20 % for round timber in the case of standard taxation.
