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Germany Pellet imports reduced by one third in Q1 2024
[May 17, 2024]


Germany imported just under 75,000 tonnes of pellets in the first three months of the year. This is 32% less than in the same period of the previous year. Imports from China were on a par with the delivery volumes from the USA.

German Pellet prices on May 16: The current prices for wood pellets at a glance

The data in the following table is based on information from "Heizpellets24" and shows the pellet prices per ton. The table is updated regularly.

Date pellet prices per ton
Pellet prices on May 10 264.05 euros
Pellet prices on May 13 263.95 euros
Pellet prices on May 14 263.97 euros
Pellet prices on May 15 263.92 euros
Pellet prices on May 16 263.63 euros

Source: Heizpellets24
