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German Pallet wood prices keep
rising at the start of the year |
Pallet wood prices continue to rise at the start of the year. Last year¡¯s trends in the purchasing prices of packaging wood continued in January. While pallet wood is seeing a modest upswing in Germany, prices for wood-based materials keep falling. THE HPE - WOOD PRICE INDEX FOR SAWN TIMBER AND WOOD-BASED MATERIALS FOR WOOD PACKAGING AND PALLETS The price index for sawn timber and wood-based materials for wooden packaging and pallets is determined by the Bundesverband Holzpackmittel - Paletten - Exportverpackung (HPE) e.V. in co-operation with the Rheinische Friedrich - Wilhelms - Universität, Bonn. The individual indices reflect the development of the purchase prices of the domestic and foreign sawn timber and wood-based material ranges used in the industry. Other additional cost factors, such as for quality grading, are not included. Source: hpe.de |