Dollar Exchange Rates of 15th Nov.
China Yuan
Report from China
China experiences rapid growth during first three quarters of 2007
According to the latest statistics from China customs agencies, foreign trade of China¡¯s major
wood products continue to grow rapidly in the first three quarters of 2007.
The total value of China¡¯s major wood products imports and exports rose 31.9% to USD42.43 billion. Of the total,
the value of China¡¯s major wood products imports grew 24.3% to USD17.81 billion and the value of China¡¯s major
wood products export rose 27.8% to USD24.63 billion. The trade surplus of wood products broke a record high
again and reached USD6.82 billion, up 59.8% from the same period in 2006. The following report discusses the
import and export situation during the first three quarters of 2007.
1.1 Imports
China¡¯s log imports totaled 28.71 million m3 and were valued at USD4.07 billion during January
to September of 2007, up 18% in volume and 42.3% in value from the same period in 2006. Of
the total, softwood log imports amounted to 17.92 million m3 in volume and USD1.81
billion, accounting for 62% in volume and 44% in value. Hardwood log imports were 10.78 million m3 in
volume and valued at USD2.26 billion, making up 38% in volume and 56% in value. Among
hardwood logs, tropical log imports were 6.52 million m3 in volume, accounting for
about 23% of the national total and up 15.7% from the same period in 2006.
China¡¯s log imports were still mainly from Russia and were 19.81 million m3 in volume and
valued at US$2.05 billion, up 18% in volume and 38% in value from the same period in 2006. Log imports for January to
September 2007 for the main suppliers are listed in Table 1 below.

Regarding customs agencies¡¯ reported imports, Manzhouli Customs ranked first in terms of
volume, receiving 8.48 million m3, or 29.5% of the national total. Harbin and Nanjing customs
followed closely behind (see Table 2).

In the first three quarters of 2007 China¡¯s total sawnwood imports were 4.85 million m3 worth
USD1.32 billion, up 4.9% in volume and 4.8%in value from the same period in
2006. China¡¯s sawnwood imports were mainly from Russia (1155.0 thousand m3), the US£¨ 803.5 thousand
m3), Thailand (512.3 thousand m3), Canada (489.8 thousand m3) and Malaysia (239.2 thousand m3). Other countries
whose exports to China exceed 100,000 m3 are listed in Table 3.

During January to September 2007, ports in coastal cities and on Chinese-Russia border were
the main areas importing sawnwood (see Table 4).

During January to September 2006, China¡¯s plywood, fiberboard and particle board imports
continued to decline. Plywood imports were 238,700 m3 and USD133 million, down 29.8% in
volume and 18.3% in value from the same period in 2006. China¡¯s plywood imports were still
mainly from Indonesia (114,400 m3, 48%) and Malaysia (73,500 m3, 30.8%).
Fiberboard and particleboard
During January to September of 2007 China fiberboard imports totaled 337,700 tons valued at
USD130 million, down 22.3% in volume and 12.5% in value from the same period in 2006. China¡¯s particleboard imports amounted to
242,900 tons worth US$75.72 million, up 13% in volume and 3.8% in value.
Paper pulp and waste paper
Paper pulp and waste paper imports were 6.42 million tons valued at USD4.12 billion, up 4.8%
in volume and 26.3% in value from the same period in 2006. Waste paper imports continue to
grow rapidly to 17.41 million tons worth USD3.0 billion, up 18.9% in volume and 34% in
value from the same period in 2006.
China¡¯s paper pulp imports were mainly from Canada, Indonesia, Chile, Russia and the US.
Waste paper imports were mainly from the US, Japan, the UK, the Netherlands
and Hong Kong (see table 5).

Wooden furniture
A sharp increase can be seen in the value of wooden furniture imports. The total value of wooden furniture
imports rocketed 98% to USD142 million and ranked first in terms of growth of wood
products imports in the firstthree quarters in 2007.
Wooden chips imports also showed an increasing trend due to huge demand for paper making raw materials.
Wooden imports amounted to 785,600 tons worth USD106 milion, up 28.4% in volume and 30.7% in value
from the same period in 2006.
1.2 Exports
China¡¯s sawnwood exports continued to decline due to the expansion of domestic demand and the regulation of its
trade policies. During January to September of 2007 China¡¯s sawnwood exports were 590,600 m3 in volume
and US$300 million in value, down 7.4% in volume and 14.5% in value from the same period in 2006. China¡¯s
sawnwood was mainly exported to Japan (319,000 m3, 55.3%), as well as to the South Korea (63,400 m3) and the
US (52,200 m3).
Wood-based panels
Exports of plywood, fiberboard and particleboard have increased quickly in tandem with the rapid development of
the domestic wood-based panel industry in recent years. During January to September 2007, China¡¯s plywood
exports totaled 6.75 million m3 earning USD2.68 billion, up 14.1% in volume and 30.7% in value from the same
period in 2006. China¡¯s fiberboard exports totaled 1.79 million tons and were valued at USD825 million, up
71.5% in volume and 82.1% in value from the same period in 2006. China¡¯s particleboard exports totaled 911,000
tons earning USD26.25 million, up 41.5% in volume and 45% in value from the same period in 2006.
China¡¯s plywood was mainly exported to the US (1,501,300 m3, 22.3%), Japan (535,100 m3),
the UK (398,800 m3) and South Korea (366,000 m3).
During January to September 2007, China¡¯s main customs authorities tracking exported
plywood were Nanjing,Qingdao, Guangdong etc. (see Table 6).

Wooden furniture
During January to September of 2007, China¡¯s wooden furniture exports were 208 million pieces, earning
USD7.67 billion, up 57.6% in pieces and 32.9% in value from the same period in 2006.
China¡¯s wooden furniture was mainly exported to the US, EU and Japan. In the first
three quarters of 2007, 48.8% of China¡¯s wooden furniture exports were to the US and were valued at
USD3.74 billion. Thirty-five percent of the total value of wooden furniture exports used imported
timber for processing.
Paper, paperboard and paper products
In the first three quarters of 2007, paper and paperboard exports totaled 3.02 million tons and
were valued at USD274 million, up 48.4% in volume and 45.3% in value from the same period in 2006. Paper products exports
amounted to 1.91 million tons and were worth USD2.92 billion, up 17.3% in volume and 28.7% in value from the
same period in 2006. Paper, paperboard and paper
products have been ranked second among major foreign exchange earners, outpaced only by
wooden furniture (see Table 7).

Other wooden products
According to China Customs statistics, other wooden products exports were 1.65 million tons and were
USD2.79 billion in value, up 0.2% in volume and 4.3% in value from the
January-August period in 2006. Of the total, the value of wooden products exports for
construction amounted to USD803 million, making up 28.8% of the total value; the value of
craftwork exports was USD340 million of the total value (12.2%)£» the value
of wooden tableware and kitchenware exports was USD247 million (8.9%); the value of ¡®other¡¯ exports
reached USD1.40 billion (50%).
Rosin and rosin products
Rosin and rosin products exports amounted to 377,900 tons in volume and USD372 million in
value, up 17.3% in volume and 4.3% in value from the same period in 2006.
