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on the UK UK
is Italy's number one customer The
latest data from Cosmit/Federlegno-Arredo on the foreign trade in
furniture for 2004 was made
available during the April 2005 International Milan Furniture Fair. This
revealed that the United Kingdom imports of Italian furniture rose 7.7%
confirming the UK's position as Italy's number one customer for furniture. For
2004, UK imports of Italian furniture (excluding furniture for vehicles)
amounted to Euro 1.14 billion in value. Italy accounts for a 21% share of
total UK imports of furniture, followed by China (13.6%), Germany (8.9%),
Poland (5.0%). Other
important supply countries are Denmark, Malaysia, the Czech Republic,
France, Spain, Indonesia and Thailand, but with much lower import shares.
According to the CSIL World Furniture Outlook 2005, the real growth
of furniture consumption in the United Kingdom is expected to be 2%
yearly, in both 2005 and 2006. Maintaining
the edge A
leading UK magazine "Cabinet Maker" is carrying out a review of
leading domestic furniture stores, in order to check their
level of service, quality of choice, layout impact and
quality/price ratio. Five
stores are visited each month, keeping in mind the growing competition at
the retail level no UK furniture retailer can afford to rest on their
laurels and take their customers for granted. Upholstered
furniture demand According
to a recent CSIL survey "The World Market for Upholstered
Furniture" almost 80% of world consumption of upholstery takes place
in ten large markets. The United Kingdom is the number two consumer
country after the United States, while it is ranking third amongst major
importing countries and fourth among upholstery manufacturing country.
UK is ranked only 17th among exporting countries. Almost 51% of domestic
production of upholstered furniture goes to Ireland, whereas much smaller
shares (less than 10%) go to the Netherlands, Germany, France, the United
States, Belgium, Spain Italy, Greece and Sweden. According
to CSIL, the real growth of upholstered furniture consumption in the
United Kingdom is expected to be around 2% in 2005 and again 2% in 2006. Elections and
inflation This
time next week the UK will have a new government and although the UK
Labour party is expected to win its majority in parliament is expected to
be cut. The upcoming election on May 5th has delayed the Bank of England
interest rate decision but odds are on a further increase by 0.25% as the
housing market has not cooled as much as desired and there are signs of
inflation. Already
house repossessions have increased by 25% in the first 3 months of 2005 as
more people find they have over committed with housing loans. In November
2003 interest rates were3.5% and now they are at 4.75% with another
increase likely soon. Economists say the economy is 'on a knife edge' with all economic indicators moving into negative territory and consumer spending slowing down. Log Prices in the UK FOB
per Cu.m Sapele
80cm+LM-C Euro
240-260 Iroko
80cm+LM-C Euro
370-380 N'Gollon70cm+
LM-C Euro
220-225 Ayous
80cm+LM-C Euro
270-280 UK
Sawnwood Prices FOB
plus Commission per Cu.m Brazilian
Mahogany FAS
- Teak
1st Quality 1"x8"x8'
Stg2035-2350 Tulipwood
FAS 25mm
Stg345-355 Ý Cedro
FAS 25mm Stg420-450 DR
Meranti Sel/Btr 25mm
Stg390-410 Ý Keruing
Std/Btr 25mm
Stg260-280 Ý SapeleFAS
25mm Stg340-355 ß Iroko
FAS 25mm
Stg435-480 Khaya
FAS 25mm
Stg340-370 Utile
FAS 25mm
Stg405-415 Wawa
No1. C&S 25mm Stg225-235 Plywood
and MDF in the UK CIF
per Cu.m Brazilian
WBP BB/CC 6mm US$590 "
Mahogany 6mm When
last available US$1265 Indonesian
WBP 6mm US$600-610 Eire,
MDF BS1142 per 10 Sq.m
CIF 12mm
from Holland No Spring
boost to trade Traders
are saying that while the calendar clearly shows that spring has arrived
the Dutch timber trade, and in particular the sector involved with the
trade in Dark Red Meranti, seems still to be in hibernation. The sector is
extremely quiet. This
situation is reportedly the case nation wide, not restricted to certain
areas/provinces. Joinery mills are said to have too few orders on the
books and have little work in progress so few are buying and if there are
purchases these are really hand to mouth orders. Traders
observe that, unfortunately, this quiet spell in the Meranti market in
Holland has extended for many, many months and traders don't foresee a
quick recovery. Also, with several public holidays in May most fear that
in the coming month there is little chance of a recovery. In fact an
increasing number of traders believe that the Meranti-market will remain
in the doldrums until at least end of August, that is until the summer
vacation period is over. Stocks still
high The
landed stock position in the main size 3x5" kept at facilities of
timber receiving companies is not coming down quickly enough and is
currently more than sufficient to last through the next few months now
that demand is so terribly depressed. The
'price discounting war' that has battered the Meranti market in Holland
continues as traders remain as eager as before to get some parcels sold
what-ever. Some are very pushy and willing to reduce the prices at the
last minute by an additional 1-2%. Not
at all a healthy for business in the longer term.
is no favourable catalyst in sight to break this negative downward spiral.
The economic factors remain a blur and there are simply too many negatives
in the local daily news; house
prices coming down, Holland's economic growth rate to be re-adjusted
downward, the economy in Germany said on the verge of recession, the
number of jobless still increasing, no willingness to spend/invest and
painfully high energy cost that disrupt chances of some economic
improvement - just a few things that feed negative sentiments. Supply
problems weigh on producers As
a result of the poor market conditions Dutch importers are not active in
buying Meranti especially in the important bulk-item namely 3x5".
Analysts report that there is still some interest in 2.1/2x3.1/2, 4x5,
7/4x12" but those items are hard to get because in Malaysia the
supply situation is far from easy. This can be measured by the fact that
Dutch importers receive little or no spontaneous offers for these items
from exporters in Peninsular Malaysia nor Sabah. With
hardly any timber of Indonesian origin going to Malaysia these days
millers have considerably less volume to rely upon.
Indonesian timber was either sold as Indonesian Bukit, as
Indonesian Seraya, as so-called DUC, or it was sold as a mixed parcel
including some Malaysian sourced timber. Nowadays
exporters have access to only Malaysian raw materials so volumes are well
down since the Malaysian authorities have reduced the size of concessions
and the allowable cut. Also
those logs that are available tend to be of smaller diameter than in the
past so mill recoveries are reduced. The
effect of this is that the log prices have increased and it is this and
higher production costs that has pushed up FOB prices. Now
that sawmills can only produce lower volumes of Dark red Meranti they are
careful when buying logs looking for the best quality to keep recovery
rates up. As a consequence, when they have good logs (PHND) of Bukit and
Seraya they concentrate on producing mainly 3x5". Since the overall
output of 3x5" PHND Bukit and Seraya from mills in Peninsular is not
huge at the moment, due to log-shortage and since exporters expect prices
to go up further, they try to build up stocks of important Dutch sizes.
This will pay off if indeed there is a
recovery in the Dutch market later this year. The
situation regarding Merbau supplies is even more difficult and the current
availability CNF Rotterdam is practically nil with many exporters have
nothing to offer to the Dutch market. An occasional parcel in 7/4x6 or
7/4x10 pops up occasionally but the well sought after 2.1/2"-items in
Merbau for both Holland and Belgium are not available. Because
of the tough log supply situation in Malaysia traders expect Meranti
prices for most Dutch sizes to hold very firm or increase slightly. In the
case of Merbau this saw another price increase recently and
traders say prices are reaching the danger-zone where business will
grind to a halt as importers stop buying and alternative timbers will grab
the market. Prices
CNF Rotterdam per ton of 50 cu ft Malaysian
DRM Bukit KD
Sel.Bet PHND in 3x5" US$1090 Malaysian
Nemesu KD Sel
& Btr PHND 3"x5"
no offers Indonesian
DRM Bukit KD
Sel.Bet PHND in 3x5" no offers Malaysian
DRM Seraya KD
Sel.Bet PHND in 3x5" US$1100 Indonesian
DRM Seraya KD
Sel.Bet PHND in 3x5"
not available MTCC
Certified KD Seraya Sel&Btr
PHND 3x5 US$1120-1130 Merbau
KD Sel.Bet
Sapfree in 3x5"
not available If
US$1540-1150 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Source:ITTO |
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