US Dollar Exchange Rates of 25th May 2016
China Yuan 6.558
Report from China
Sales Prices of Residential Buildings
Average housing prices in China rose in April continuing
the upswing that began late last year. The rise in prices is
put down to easier credit requirement for people
purchasing homes outside the top tier cities.
China¡¯s National Bureau of Statistics has released the
April survey of house price movements. Compared to the
previous month average April prices for newly constructed
residential buildings fell in 5 cities but rose in the other 65
cities amongst the 70 surveyed.
When comparing April 2016 prices with April 2015 the
survey shows that prices for new homes fell in 23 cities,
rose in 46 and remained unchanged 1 city.
Much the same month on month trend in the price of
second-hand homes was recorded with average prices
falling in 10 cities but rising in 51. However, year on year
April prices fell in 22 cities and rose in 47.
Real estate land deals
In the four months to April 2016 total investment in real
estate development increased just over 7% of which,
investment in residential buildings grew 6.4%.

While investment in construction rose in the first four
months land purchases for residential homes fell 6.5%
year on year.

Five Year plan sees 1.4 billion cubic metre forest stock
The 13th Five Year Planning for China¡¯s national forestry
development has been released by the State Forestry
Administration (SFA). According to the plan just over 33
million hectares of plantations will be established and
tending of the current 40 million hectares will continue.
The plan envisages China¡¯s national forest stock will reach
1.4 billion cubic metres, the forest cover will rise to just
over 23% and the total value of forestry industry output
will amount to RMB8.7 trillion.
During 12th Five Year Plan period output from the
country¡¯s forest industry grew by more than 20% to
RMB5.94 trillion compared to output in the previous plan
The average annual production of wood-based panels in
the 12th plan period was 250 million cubic metres and
flooring output tipped 690 billion square metres.
Value of forest products trade in 2015
According to China Customs the total value of China¡¯s
forest products trade in 2015 was US$140 billion, a year
on year decline of 1%, accounting for 3.1% of the total
national commodity trade value.

The value of forest product exports amounted to US$75.3
billion, a year on year increase of 4%, making up 3.3% of
the total national commodity trade value.
The value of forest products imports came to US$64.7
billion, a year on year decline of 6%, accounting for
3.85% of total national commodity trade value.
The trade surplus in forest products in 2015 soared over
200% to US$10.6 billion. The balance of trade surplus for
forest products trade in 2014 was US$3.4 billion.

The output value of China¡¯s wood products sector in 2015
fell 2% to US$104.7 billion, accounting for 75% of the
total value of national forest products trade.
Of the total, the value of wood product exports rose 3% to
US$61.4 billion, making up 82% of the value of national
forest products export, unchanged from last year.
In 2015 the value of wood product imports declined 8% to
US$43.3 billion, accounting for 67% of the value of
national forest product imports. The trade balance for
China¡¯s wood products was US$18.1 billion, a year on
year increase of 57%.
The output of China¡¯s non-wood forest products in 2015
rose 2% to US$35.3 billion, accounting for 25% of the
total value of national forest products trade.
Of the total, the value of non-wood forest products exports
rose 9% to US$13.9 billion, making up 18% of the value
of national forest products export.
The value of non-wood forest product imports declined
2% to US$21.4 billion, accounting for 33% of the value of
national forest product imports. The negative balance of
China¡¯s non-wood forest products trade was US$7.5
billion, a year on year decline of 18%.
Wood product imports in 2015
The performance of China¡¯s timber imports in 2015 was
the lowest for several years. Imports of wood products in
2015 declined 8% to US$43.3 billion.
The value of wood pulp, logs, sawnwood, waste paper,
paper, paperboard and paper product imports dominated
the trade in wood products in 2015. The value of these 6
major commodity groups amounted to US$39.2 billion,
accounting for 90% of the total value of all wood forest
product imports.

The average price for all wood product imports declined
except that for wood chips. The average import price for
logs fell the most dropping 21%.
The main reason for the over drop in imports was the
sharp fall in the value of log imports.