US Dollar Exchange Rates of 30th November 2011
China Yuan 6.3822
Report from China
Log and sawnwood imports through Jiangsu Port
continue to grow
According to the Jiangsu Entry-Exit Inspection and
Quarantine Bureau, in the first ten months of 2011 timber
imports through Jiangsu port were 11.39 million cubic
metres valued at US$2346 million, up 45 percent in
volume and 42 percent in value from the same period in
Of the total, sawnwood imports amounted to 954,800
cubic metres valued at US$240 million. Timber imports
through Jiangsu ports were from 63 countries and regions.
In the first ten months of 2011, 49 percent were from
Oceania, 25 percent from North America, 12 percent from
Russia, 10 percent from Africa and the balance from South
East Asia.
Russian logs dominate imports through Manzhouli port
According to Customs statistics from Manzhouli Port,
during the period January to October log imports through
Manzhouli Port were 6.22 million cubic metres valued at
US$890 million, up 17 percent in volume and 31 percent
in value from the same period in 2010. All the imported
logs were from Russia.
Business in this area is dominated by log imports. Imports
by the so called ¡®petty trade¡¯ amounted to 6.03 million
cubic metres, up 17 percent and 97 percent of the total.
Just 2 percent of the log imports were by endusers and
only 1 percent of the logs were imported by general
Private enterprises were the main logs importers. Log
imports by private enterprises amounted to 6.11 million
cubic metres, up 21 percent on the same period last year
and accounted for 98 percent of the total.
Mongolian enterprises were the dominant importers
handling 6 million cubic metres of logs. Only 2 percent of
the logs were imported for use by Heilongjiang
enterprises. The rest of logs were for use by manufactures
in Beijing and Liaoning.
Analysts say the main reasons for the increase in logs
imports is because demand for timber in the domestic
market is increasing while at the same time domestic
timber production is decreasing due to the further
implementation of Natural Forest Protection Programme
Another factor is that the size and quality of imported logs
is better than that of domestic logs. In addition, prices for
most imported logs are lower than that of domestic logs as
the RMB has continued to appreciate.
Expanded rail network will improve distribution
capacity at Xiuyu Port
According to the statistics from Putian Entry-Exit
Inspection and Quarantine Bureau, in the first ten months
of 2011, timber imports through Xiuyu Port were 450,500
cubic metres valued at US$70 million, up 68 percent in
volume and 60 percent in value from the same period in
Currently Xiuyu Port is one of the most important log
distribution centres. It has been reported that timber
shipments from the US, Canada, Russia, Australia and
Myanmar enter China through Xiuyu Port.

An efficient distribution chain from handling, transport
and processing has been established in Xiuyu district. The
timber industry in the area is one of the top five industries
according to the Xiuyu government¡¯s Twelfth Five-Year
It is forecast that timber imports through Xiuyu Port will
increase further as development of its railway network is
completed and with the implementation of the agreement
for phytosanitary requirements on Canadian logs exported
to China.
Taizhou furniture industry handicapped by poor
technology and a shortage of designers
Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province is one of top production
and exporting bases in China. The city has a huge and
highly competitive furniture industry with furniture
industry clusters and good supporting industries. However,
furniture exports through Taizhou City are set to decline in
the face of global economic weakness.
According to Taizhou Customs, during January to October
the value of furniture exports through Taizhou City rose
15 percent to US$880 million. But this rate of growth
marked a decline of around 10 percent from the same
period in 2010.
Of the total exports, the value of furniture exports to the
EU rose 13 percent to US$330 million, making up 37
percent of the total.
The value of furniture exports to the US grew 27 percent
to US$120 million, making up 14 percent of the total.
The value of furniture exports to Latin America rose 52
percent to US$35.72 million, to ASEAN exports grew 30
percent to US$32.55 million and to Russia exports rose 92
percent to US$20.5 million. However, the value of
furniture exports to Africa fell 10 percent to US$41.79
Local experts think that the main problems faced by the
Taizhou furniture industry is that currently they have no
furniture brands of their own due to poor technological
support and a shortage of professional designers.
As a result furniture products from the area enter the
international market at low prices. In addition, the Taizhou
furniture industry has a poor capacity for research,
development and innovation resulting in the prevalence of
imitation furniture. The industry is being urged to respect
intellectual property rights and develop their own brands
and styles.
