US Dollar Exchange Rates of 15th November 2011
China Yuan 6.3556
Report from China
First three quarters trade in wood products
China¡¯s total forest products trade amounted to
USUS$61.92 billion in first three quarters of this year, up
25 percent over the same period last year. Of the total,
imports were valued at USUS$30.36 billion, (plus 36%);
exports were USUS$31.56 billion, (plus 17%). The
balance of trade was USUS$1,195 million, down 74%
from the same period last year.
Log imports
China imported 32 million cu. m of logs during the period
January to September 2011 at a value of US$6, 268
million, up 25 percent in volume and 39 percent in value
over the same period last year.
Of the total, imports of softwood logs were 23.70 million
cu m, around 74 percent of the total and were valued at
US$3, 687 million.
This performance equates to an increase of 32 percent in
volume and 57 percent in value. Hardwood log imports
were 8.32 million cu m worth US$2 582 million up 8
percent in volume and 21 percent in value year on year.
Tropical log imports amounted to 6.42 million cu m, up 3
percent over last year and accounted for 20 percent of total
log imports and 77 percent of hardwood log imports.
Log imports were mainly from Russia, New Zealand, US
and PNG. The top ten suppliers of logs to China are shown

Sawnwood imports
Some 16 million cu. m of sawnwood (including a small
amount of sleepers) were imported in the first three
quarters of 2011, valued at US$4,229 million, a rise of 53
percent in volume and 54 percent in value from the same
period last year.
Of the total (excluding sleepers), imports of softwood
sawnwood were 11.11 million cu. m, accounting for 70
percent of the total, valued at US$2,319 million,
accounting for 55 percent of the total. Imports of
hardwood sawnwood were 4.85 million cu. m, accounting
for 30 percent of the total and were worth US$1, 885
Compared to same period last year, imports of softwood
sawnwood were up 74 percent in volume compared to
imports of hardwood sawnwood which rose 22 percent in
volume. Imports of tropical sawnwood were 3.09 million
cu m, accounting for 19 percent of total sawnwood
imports and 64 percent of the total hardwood sawnwood
The top five suppliers of sawnwood to China are shown

Imports of woodbased panels
Around 139,000 cu. m of plywood were imported in first
three quarters of 2011 valued at US$86.42 million down 8
percent in volume and up 6 percent in value from the same
period last year.
China imported 158,200 tonnes of fibreboard in first three
quarters of 2011 valued at US$81.88 million, down 25
percent in volume and 14 percent in value from last year.
A total of 273,500 tonnes of particleboard were imported
during the same period valued at US$ 94.25 million, up 7
percent in volume and up 14 percent in value from same
period last year.
Wooden furniture imports
A total of 3.86 million pieces of wooden furniture were
imported from January to September this year, valued at
US$399.46 million representing a rise of 21 percent in
number of pieces and 53 percent in value from the same
period last year.
Veneer imports
China imported some 95,900 tones of veneer valued at
US$85.70 million during the first three quarters a 55
percent rise in volume and a 30 percent rise in value from
the same period last year.
Wooden furniture exports
China exported 212.96 million pieces of wooden furniture
(including wood framed seats, office, bedroom, kitchen
and other wooden furniture) in first three quarters this
year, valued at US$12,438 million, down 3 percent in
number of pieces and down 7 percent in value from the
same period last year.
China¡¯s wooden furniture was exported mainly to the
USA, the EU and Japan. Of the total, 32 percent went to
the US market.
The top five importers of China¡¯s wooden furniture from
January to September 2011 are shown below.

Woodbased panel exports
China exported 7.25 million cu.m of plywood in first three
quarters of 2011 valued at US$3,243 million and this
represented a rise of 28 percent in volume and 28 percent
in value over the same period last year.
The main importers of China¡¯s plywood from January to
September 2011 are shown below.

Around 1.8 million tonnes of fibreboard were exported in
the first three quarters of the year and these were valued at
US$1,030.29 million, up 21 percent in volume and 21
percent in value from the same period last year.
China exported some 94, 800 tonnes of particleboard from
January to September 2011, valued at US$ 40.26 million,
up 25 percent in volume and 38 percent in value from the
same period last year.
Exports of solid wood flooring
China exported some 297,300 tonnes of solid wood
flooring in first three quarters of 2011 valued at US$
465.24 million, down 9 percent in volume and 7 percent in
value from the same period last year.
Sawnwood exports
A total of 42, 900 cu.m of sawnwood was exported from
in the first three quarters of 2011 and this was valued at
US$ 280.35 million, up 3 percent in volume and 9 percent
in value from the same period last year.
Veneer exports
China exported some 136,000 tonnes of veneer in this
period valued at US$ 207.8 million, up 65 percent in
volume and 33 percent in value from the same period in
