US Dollar Exchange Rates of 15th
September 2011
China Yuan 6.3823
Report from China
Value of China¡¯s International Trade in wood products
balanced in the first half of 2011
According to statistics from China¡¯s customs, the total
value of the country¡¯s international trade in wood products
was US$39.27 billion in first half of 2011, up 25% over
the same period of 2010.
Of the total, imports were valued at US$19.64 billion, up
36% while exports totalled US$ 19.63 billion, a rise of
16%. China¡¯s major wood product imports are pulp, logs,
recycled paper, sawnwood and paper and paper product.

The tables above include the value of both wood and non
wood products. Of the total import value for forest
products in first half of 2011, wood products accounted for
64%; non wood products accounted for 36%. In terms of
export value, wood products accounted for 74% and non
wood products 26%.
The trade with ASEAN comprised mainly of imports of
natural rubber and palm oil (classified as forest products in
China) accounting for 23% of the value of China¡¯s total
imports of forest products.
Furniture industry issues a plan for the period of the
government¡¯s 12th five year plan
The Chinese Furniture Association recently released its
plan for the period of the Twelfth Five-year Plan. The plan
notes that during the period of Eleventh Five-year Plan,
the furniture industry in China developed rapidly and that
output and profitability rose significantly:
• output value reached RMB 870 billion in 2010,
up 138% from 2009.
• furniture exports amounted to US$13.7 billion in
2005, US$26 billion in 2009 and US$33.7 billion
in 2010. Exports rose 146% from 2005 to 2010.
Of the total furniture exports approximately half
was of wooden furniture.
• China¡¯s competitiveness in international markets
improved and the number of exporting enterprises
• the average price of furniture exports rose.
• China tops the list of world furniture exporters.
• furniture clusters and specialization in production
in various regions of China has promoted
development of the industry.
The Furniture Association¡¯s new plan states that during
the next five years the global demand for furniture will
continue to grow and that the trend to relocate furniture
production to emerging economies with low labour rates
will continue. It further states that the market share of
Chinese furniture in developed markets will be
On the domestic front the plan notes that due to rapid
urbanisation there will be expansion of the real estate
stock and growing demand in the rural areas,
China¡¯s furniture industry will continue to grow to meet
demand. However, the plan warns that with the increasing
costs of raw materials, labour, energy and transport in
China, competition in all markets will become fiercer.
Based on its analysis of the domestic and international
markets the Association developed the following
objectives for the furniture industry:
• during the period of the plan output of the
furniture sector will grow by 15% annually.
• furniture exports will continue to rise at annual
rate of 12%.
• further specialisation will improve productivity
and profitability.
• management will be upgraded, production costs
will be reduced, quality will be improved and
product diversification will accelerate.
The plan envisages the construction of addition furniture
sector centres across the country.
Background on the China National Furniture Association
Founded on June 22 1988, the China National Furniture
Association (CNFA) is a nationwide non-profit
organisation formed jointly and voluntarily by enterprises,
institutions, organizations and individuals from the
Chinese furniture and other related industries.
CNFA is supervised by the State-owned Assets
Supervision and Administration Commission and guided
by the China National Light Industry Commission. The
Secretariat of CNFA takes care of the routine work of the
CNFA represents the interest of the furniture industry,
reflects the wills and requests of member enterprises,
provides services.
The CNFA serves as a bridge between government and
enterprises, CNFA promotes the healthy, sustainable,
harmonious and comprehensive development of Chinese
furniture industry.
China¡¯s exports of wooden furniture in the first half of 2011
From January to June this year furniture exports were
valued at US$ 8,029.6 million, up 9% in value from the
same period last year. Of the total exports, other furniture
(94036010-94036099) accounted for 40.5% and seats with
wooden frames (94016110-94016900) accounted for 33%.
China¡¯s exports of wooden furniture were mainly to the
US, Europe and Japan.

Prospect for cooperation in forest products trade and
production between China and ASEAN
Since the China-ASEAN Forestry Cooperation (Nanning)
Initiative was adopted by forest sector authorities during
the 4th Sino-ASEAN Expo in 2007, the value of trade in
forest products between ASEAN and China has gradually
increased and stood at US$23 450 million in 2010.
Professionals believe that exhibitions of forest products
from ASEAN and China will benefit both ASEAN and
Chinese manufacturers.
Sino-ASEAN Expos have been held successfully seven
times. The next Expo of forest products will be held from
November 18-21, 2011 at the Nanning International
Exhibition Center in the Guangxi Region.
This exhibition centre covers an area of 30,000 sq.m. For
the upcoming expo exhibits will include wooden doors,
wood flooring, wooden furniture, bamboo and rattan
products and wood processing machinery.
During the exhibition, several forums, such as the China-
ASEAN Sustainable Development of Eucalypt in China
and the International Timber Culture Exchange will be

The previous report carried a story from China incorrectly
mentioning certification, the story was captioned:
National Forest Certification Standard to be launched
in 2013 This should have read:
China to launch a timber legality verification scheme by 2013
According to the 4th Annual International Conference on
Sustainable forest and market development held recently
in Shanghai, China will launch a Timber Legality
Verification System in 2013.