US Dollar Exchange Rates of 10th
June 2011
China Yuan 6.4457
Report from China
Second phase of Natural Forest Protect Programme
The State Forest Administration has released details of the
second phase of the Natural Forest Protection Programme
(NFPP). It is said the areas included in this phase are the
same as the first phase (13 provinces, regions and
The term of the new plan is ten years (2011-2020) at a cost
of RMB 244 billion, of which, RMB 219.5 billion will be
provided by the central government and RMB 24.5 billion
from local governments.
It is estimated that implementation of the second phase of
the NFPP will create 200,000 new professional job
opportunities and another approximately 650,000 jobs for
people in the areas covered by the plan.
The stated objectives of this second phase of the NFPP are
by 2020; to increase the forest area by 5.2 million ha,
increase the growing stock by 1,100 million cu.m and
capture 416 million metric tons of carbon.
2010 wooden door exports set new record
China¡¯s export of wooden doors has shown a steady
growth in recent years. However, due to the global
financial crisis, exports declined in 2008 and 2009 but are
now recovering.

Wooden doors manufactured in China are exported to
many parts of the world. In addition to the main markets
such as the USA, Japan and some other developed
countries in Europe, wooden doors from China are also
exported to central Asia and Africa.

The main areas for the manufacture of wooden doors are
concentrated in provinces in coastal regions such as
Zhejiang and Guangdong. Other provinces such as
Liaoning, Xinjiang and Yunnan also have significant door
manufacturing and export capacity.

Features of China¡¯s wooden door trade
Compared with other wood products, the export of
wooden doors from China is very small both in volume
and value. In 2010 the value of exports of wooden doors
amounted to US$ 562 million, or only about 5 percent of
the total output value (RMB 75 billion).
Countries that import wooden doors from China have not
changed in the past few years. The top ten importers
remained unchanged in 2009 and 2010.
Wooden door producing and exporting enterprises are
mainly concentrated in coastal areas. The top six provinces
for export of wooden doors in 2009 and 2010 were
Zhejiang, Guangdong, Liaoning, Shandong, Fujian and
Due to the global financial crisis China¡¯s export of
wooden doors in 2008 fell 0.5 percent from the previous
year and exports in 2009 were down 17.5 percent from
With the recovery of world economy exports values grew
by 22 percent in 2010, topping all previous records. The
average unit price for doors for export remains remarkably
stable, report analysts.
China a key importer of rattan and exporter of rattan products
The international trade in raw rattan poles has been falling
and since 2003 global imports of rattan poles have fallen
50 percent. China¡¯s imports of rattan poles account for 60
percent of the world total and are sourced mainly from
Indonesia and Myanmar.
In 2008, China consumed a total of 64,000 metric tons of
raw rattan of which, 39,000 tons were imported and
25,000 tons were home produced.
China is the largest exporter of rattan products other than
furniture and is second only to Indonesia in the export of
rattan furniture.
Manufactured rattan products from China are exported
mainly to EU and North America. In North America
Chinese manufactured rattan furniture has a 40 percent
market share while in the EU the figure is closer to 50
Canada to expand timber exports to China
It has been learnt that during the period of Twelfth Five-
Year Plan some 36 million state housing units will be built
and this has attracted the attention of timber exporters in
Media reports say that the chief of the British Columbia
Forest Service believes this provides a good opportunity to
promote timber trade between China and Canada.
It is one of the objectives of the most recent five year plan
to reduce carbon emission and the Forest Service chief
commented that Canada¡¯s wood-frame houses with
prefabricated components would have attractions to users
requiring reduced greenhouse gases emissions.
Canada¡¯s BC Province exported some 4.6 million cu.m of
softwood to China in 2010, up 76 percent from the
previous year and exports to China look set to increase.
