US Dollar Exchange Rates of 28th
Apr 2011
China Yuan 6.5017
Report from China
Timber Protection Industry Association formed
Recently, China¡¯s Ministry of Civil Affairs approved the
registration of a new association, the China Timber
Protection Industry Association. The association will be
supervised and guided by the Ministries of Civil Affairs
and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.
The aim of the new association is to improve timber
utilization, to extend timber life in-use, to promote
standardization and to expand markets.
The products in the association mandate include wooden
frame houses and wooden structures, wooden outdoor
products, treated and fire resistant wood, modified wood,
wood preservatives, composite materials, engineered
bamboo and wood coatings.
The new association will also promote timber recycling
and waste utilisation.
Expanded transit port for wood chips
It has been reported by the Fujian Quanzhou City
Inspection and Quarantine Bureau that in the first four
months of 2011 large quantity of woodchips were
imported through Xiaocuo Port of Quanzhou City.
Imports through the port have increased in value and
volume and the range of supply countries has expanded in
recent months.
The origin of the chip imports includes countries such as
the U.S.A., Australia, Vietnam, and Russia and the species
include pine, Douglas fir, cedar, hemlock, Radiata pine
and eucalyptus.
Taicang port active
The volume of imports of logs and sawnwood through
Taicang port continues to increase. According to Taicang
City Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau in the
first four months of this year timber imports rose 90
percent to 1.128 million cubic metres.
The main reason for the increased imports is that timber
demand continues to grow in the Yangtze River Delta
region and the volume of timber now being imported by
China has meant that ports of entry have been diversified.
It is reported that Taicang port has advanced facilities for
quarantine inspection and treatment when required.
Alashankou port a major timber distribution centre
In the first four months 2011 timber imports through
Alashankou Port in Xinjiang, Boertala Autonomous State,
were 39 000 cubic metres valued at US$6.763 million, up
29 percent in volume and 39 percent in value from the
same period in 2010.
Imported timber includes logs and sawnwood from
Russian and Kazakhstan. Timber has always been the
main imported product handled by Alashankou Port and
this port of entry has now become one of main timber
distribution centres in northwest China.
