North America
US tropical timber imports
Hardwood sawnwood imports
The US imported 18,806 cu.m of tropical sawnwood in
July 2010, 9% less than in June. Balsa remains the leading
species (5,737 cu.m), followed by acajou d¡¯Afrique (2,108
cu.m), mahogany (1,995 cu.m) and sapelli (1,924 cu.m).
Virola imports from Peru and Brazil picked up in July
totalling 1,341 cubic metres. Keruing sawnwood from
Malaysia dropped from a high of 2,083 cu.m in June to
425 cu.m in July.
Year-to-date tropical sawnwood import volumes were 8%
higher in July than in the same period last year. Among
the species with the largest gains were acajou d¡¯Afrique
(+65%), red meranti (+39%) and jatoba (+95%). The yearto-
date value of tropical sawnwood imports was 16%
higher than in July 2009.

Hardwood plywood imports
US imports of hardwood plywood continued to recover in
July 2010. Year-to-date imports were US$710.8 million,
up by 34% from the same period in 2009. Monthly imports
were worth US$128.7 million in July, up 7% from June.
July 2010 imports from China were US$82.5 million
(+29% year-to-date), from Indonesia US$9.3 million
(+80% year-to-date), and from Malaysia US$9.7 million
(+296% year-to-date). July imports from Brazil were
US$2.5 million (+6% year-to-date) and from Ecuador
US$2.7 million (+54% year-to-date).

Hardwood moulding imports
Hardwood moulding imports increased to US$19.3 million
in July, which is 15% above June imports. Year-to-date
imports were US$106.7 million in July, up by 4%
compared with the same period last year. Year-to-date
imports declined for jatoba (-14%), ipe (-20%) and
mahogany (-24%) compared to 2009. Cumaru moulding
imports were up by 40% on a year-to-date basis.
The US imported from Brazil US$2.3 million worth of
jatoba moulding in July (+11% from June), US$321,000
of cumaru moulding (-44%), and US$541,000 of ipe
moulding (+133%). The value of cumaru moulding
imports from Peru were US$507,000 (+66%).
China is again the top supplier with US$35.4 million yearto-
date July. Brazil is back on second place at US$29.9

Hardwood flooring imports
Hardwood flooring imports recovered from the record low
last winter, but imports remain at very low levels. Total
July imports were valued at just US$1.8 million. Year-todate
imports declined by 48% compared to July 2009.
China is the country most affected by this decline. July
imports from China were just US$567,000 (-72% year-todate).
Hardwood flooring imports from Brazil were
US$477,000 in July 2010 (-6% year-to-date). Malaysia¡¯s
exports were US$281,000 (-15% year-to-date).

Thermally treated wood on show at 2010 IWF
Several suppliers of thermal wood modification equipment
exhibited at the 2010 International Woodworking
Machinery & Furniture Supply Fair (IWF) in Atlanta. The
intended market is North American hardwoods and
softwoods that could replace tropical hardwoods in
flooring, other interior furnishings, outdoor furniture, etc.
Thermally modified wood products are also often
marketed as green products since the process does not use
any chemicals. The heat treatment in kilns increases the
wood¡¯s water resistance and dimensional stability. The
treatment schedule can be adjusted to achieve desired
colour changes in the wood.
The biennial IWF is North America¡¯s largest trade show of
machinery, supplies and services for the woodworking
industries. This year¡¯s show was significantly smaller in
both attendance and number of exhibitors than the 2008
show, reflecting the difficult market conditions for the
wood products industry.
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