US Dollar Exchange Rates of 30th October 2009
China Yuan 6.8282
Report from China
US anti-dumping review
On September 25, 2009, authorities in the US released the
final results of a new review of the anti-dumping duty on
wooden bedroom furniture from China. It has been
determined that the anti-dumping tariff imposed on
Shanghai Fangjia Industry Co., Ltd and Jiangsu Danyang
Brilliant Furniture Co., Ltd should be cancelled.
In 2003, the US began investigating charges of dumping
of wooden bedroom furniture from China. The customs
codes of products concerned were HS 94035090.40,
94035090.80 and 70099250.00. In November 2004, after
the investigation a 5% to ¨C 198% anti-dumping tariff was
imposed on the Chinese companies being accused.
Canada drops flooring anti-dumping duties
The Canadian International Trade Tribunal announced that
the anti dumping tariffs on laminate flooring originating in
or exported from China and France will expire in June
The Tribunal had issued a Notice of Expiry in August this
year and invited requests or opposition to the proposed
change. The Tribunal received no submissions in support
of an expiry review and a continuation of the finding.
Consequently, no expiry review will be initiated.
A finding of injury or threat of injury and the associated
special protection in the form of anti-dumping or
countervailing duties expire five years from the date of the
finding, unless an expiry review has been initiated. In light
of the foregoing, the Tribunal gave notice that the finding,
made on June 16, 2005, in Inquiry No. NQ-2004-006 will
expire on June 15, 2010.
India sets anti-dumping duties on MDF
Reports are indicating that on October 8 2009, the Indian
government has approved anti-dumping tariffs on plain
medium density fiberboard from China, Malaysia, New
Zealand, Thailand and Sri Lanka. The anti-dumping rate
on products from China is said to be US$395.52 per cubic
Furniture hyper-market for Chengdu City
A massive furniture wholesale furniture market is being
constructed in Chengdu Furniture Industrial Zone. This is
a joint investment by the Sichuan Chengdu government,
Xidu District government and the National Furniture
Decoration Chamber, Southern Xiangjiang Group.
On completion this will be the biggest furniture wholesale
and distribution centre in Chengdu City and in the whole
of the western region. Building is scheduled for
completion by the end of 2009.
