Japan Wood Products
Dollar Exchange Rates of
30th September. 2009
Japan Yen 89.63
Reports From Japan
Sawnwood imports
Despite the market remaining weak imports of sawnwood
from Europe in the first half of 2009 were some 36% up
on the same period in 2008. Imports of sawnwood from all
other sources fell over the same period.
The Strong Yen and weaker Euro partly explains the
increase in imports along with the needs of some importers
to restock. The Euro exchange rate changed from 162 Yen
per Euro last year to 128 yen for this year which the Japan
Lumber reports say translates into a fluctuation of Yen
10,000 per cu.m.
Plywood supply
Plywood supply for the first half of 2009 is reported as
20% down on the first six months of 2008 largely because
of a slowdown in housing starts. Demand has dropped
much more than expected and the JLR reports that some
items are at historical lows.
Plywood imports from Indonesia were largely sustained
but those from Malaysia suffered a considerable decline.
The market for concrete formboard is noticeably weak and
this is attributed to the halt of many public works projects
while the new government reviews infrastructure projects
from the previous administration.
Plywood companies are closing their books this month and
normally this is the time to snap up plywood at low prices.
This year, however, inventories are so low that very little
panel products are coming onto the market.
