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Peru creates Permanent Production Forests to secure supply of forest benefits

¡¾Feb.18, 2002¡¿


Forests for Permanent Production (BPP)

Under the forestry law, the government made a provision for the creation of Forests for Permanent Production (BPP) to secure the present and future supply of wood,, non-wooden forestry products and the environmental services.

Through three Ministerial Resolutions in January, Forests for Permanent Production were approved in Ucayali (a total area of 4´089,926 million hectares), Loreto ( 14´782,302 hectares) and Madre de Dios, (2´522,141 hectares), giving a total of 21´393,869 million hectares. This area is equivalent to 31.6% of Peru's Amazon forests. There are however still 5 departments (states) where BPPs have not been defined, therefore the BPP surface will be increase.

These forests will be public registered and put under the direction of INRENA and the utilization of these forests will not be changed and concessions will be allocated.

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